Thursday, October 10, 2013

“Holy Hands: Uniting Prayer & Charity in a Cool Catholic Lifestyle” (1 of 2)

“Holy Hands: Uniting Prayer & Charity in a Cool Catholic Lifestyle” (1 of 2)

Mother Teresa is one of my great inspirations, a true heroine of Christian virtue. I ask her intercessory help every day, especially as I serve the homeless, drug-addicted, mentally ill and displaced persons who come to our little outreach called Casa Juan Diego.

Look at Mother Teresa’s hands. What famous hands they are! Why are they so famous? Because they touched Christ’s body every day.

But wait – Mother was not a priest! What do I mean? How can I rightly say this?

Although Mother was not an ordained minister of the Holy Eucharist (i.e. a ministerial priest of Jesus Christ), she indeed touched Christ’s Mystical Body, the Church, in His members. She became configured to Christ not only by the beautiful Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation & frequent Holy Communion, but also by imitating Him in the way she lived each and every day.

Mother made of her whole life a “eucharist”: a loving sacrifice of thanksgiving to God. We are called to do the same.

As a holy missionary priest has often related: “The more you look at something, the more you get into it; the more you get into something, the more you become like it.” This could be television, movies, internet, some activity or hobby, nature, people, or Jesus!

Yes, we need to adore Christ in the Most Blessed Sacrament in order to become like Him; but we also need to love, serve, and feed His broken body in our neighbors, especially the poor and needy. For we only know ourselves before God when we recognize Christ present in the least among us; and we only prove our love for God by loving our neighbors in a concrete, incarnational and personal love that is not limited to the pew, the pulpit, or the ‘pay pal’.

+Br. Philip Maria Allen, CFR
St. Felix Friary

Yonkers, NY, USA
We need your help!

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