Sunday, April 21, 2013

Great Response to the Boston Bombings

Here is a quote I heard on WCBS 880 AM Radio from Chester Elton:

"I’ll tell you what, Michael, you know that in a lot of cultures one terrorist will spawn a bunch of other terrorists, right? “You blow me up - I blow you up.” What I love about American culture is, this one terrorist spawned a whole bunch of heroes and I love that about our society - that just because one guy went crazy and caused some crazy things and whatever, we don’t retaliate and become like them. A terrorist in American society creates heroes not more terrorists."

click here to hear the audio (2 minutes long)

Below is the full transcript (posted with permission):

Woman: Companies large and small have stepped up to help the victims of Monday’s bombings in Boston by donating millions of dollars to The One Fund.

Man: Corporate Host Chester Elton joins us. It’s a pretty impressive list Chester.

Chester: John Hancock the Insurance Company, they have been headquartered in Boston for over 150 years, immediately donated a million dollars to people that were affected by the tragedy. One of my favorite ones was the Boston Craft Brewery Association – you know all these little pubs that have their own breweries – 21 of these little breweries are having an event this week and 100% of the sale of their beers goes to the victims. Bane Capital steps up; the Boston Foundation; the Celtics and the Red Sox. There are baseball players and football players that have dedicated X amount of dollars per homerun or per catch. I just love companies that, when stuff like this happens, they immediately step up. I think that it speaks to their character. It speaks to their employees. Those are the kind of brands that you want to support and that you love and count on. 

Man: I know that you are also impressed by what Google did in the minutes after the attacks.

Chester: Isn’t that remarkable? The biggest fear you have is, “Was one of my loved ones affected?” And Google takes their technology and immediately says, “Hey, sign on here, find out.” Can you imagine the stress that it relieves for literally thousands and thousands of people when they found out that their loved ones were safe? Google is beyond cool with their technology.

I’ll tell you what, Michael, you know that in a lot of cultures one terrorist will spawn a bunch of other terrorists, right? “You blow me up - I blow you up.” What I love about American culture is, this one terrorist spawned a whole bunch of heroes and I love that about our society - that just because one guy went crazy and caused some crazy things and whatever, we don’t retaliate and become like them. A terrorist in American society creates heroes not more terrorists. 

Man: Well put Chester Elton the Apostle of Appreciation. Thanks Chester.
I hope this encourages you as it does me!

Fr. Luke Mary Fletcher, CFR
Harlem, NYC

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