
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Measure Your Holiness: a quick (& accurate) test!

I was deeply convicted listening to a recent homily by a priest who
said: “You really only know ‘how holy’ you are or ‘how much you love
God’ by how much you love & pray for those you like the least (i.e.
your ‘enemies’).”

Whether it is a prominent public official, a co-worker, or even a family
member, ‘that’ person at the mere mention of whose name causes your
heart to tremble & blood pressure to skyrocket – am I praying for them?
Daily? By name? At Mass & in my Rosary? Offering sacrifices for them?
Making time to reach out to them? Doing what I would do for the person
who is most dear to me? Willing to DIE for them to help save their soul??!
Even if I don’t like it, the truth is: that IS the ‘measure’ of my love, the
measure of my holiness!! (*gulp* – YIKES!)

Not all my ‘good deeds’ or even my ‘good intentions’ will determine my
final judgment in God’s sight; but my love for the ‘least ones’ in my life
is essential. For Jesus said: “‘…Love your enemies and pray for those
who persecute you… For if you love those who love you, what reward
have you?’” (Mt 5:44, 46a) & “‘Truly, I say to you, as you did to one of
the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.’” (Mt 25:40b) [RSV].
Lord Jesus, help me to love as You loved – preferring others to myself
and giving myself totally to all without counting the cost. Please grant
me this grace, for without Your Divine Mercy this is impossible. +Amen.

+Br. Philip Maria Allen, CFR
Most Blessed Sacrament Friary
Newark, NJ
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