Sunday, March 24, 2013

Fasting From My Modern-Day Idols (part 2 of 3)

Some ‘good habits’ which I might want to start cultivating in my life may include:

Prayer: time alone in prayer, praying with others, praying prayers I really enjoy, praying in the car instead of radio/music, getting to a daily Mass or 2 in the week, Adoration (1 hr./wk.?), Rosary, Mercy Chaplet, listing things I’m grateful for & thanking God for them, sharing your frustrations & joys with Jesus, journaling, crying, kneeling, silence, Stations of the +, visiting a church, a priest or a religious.

Spiritual Food: reading the Bible (try James, Esther, 1st John, Luke, Job, or the Psalms) & a spiritual book, listening to a spiritual CD, silence, going on retreat, pilgrimage, visiting a religious community,

Relationships: time with family/spouse/children/parents/g-parents, etc., quality time with a friend (take a walk or drive, share a meal), re-connecting with someone I really should, reaching out to a person who needs it, asking forgiveness, praying for grace to forgive someone, expressing forgiveness, writing a letter, loving others.

These are just a few ideas. Let’s get started!

+Br. Philip Maria Allen, CFR
Most Blessed Sacrament Friary
Newark, NJ
We need your help!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Brother for these great suggestions to help foster the spiritual life! The amount of prayers and devotions that the Church has always offered have often been forgotten, as many are caught-up in the high-tech frenzied world constantly barraged with modern day idols. Since we find ourselves up against fallen prinicpalities and powers, one devotion worthy of revival is the Chaplet of Saint Michael. This and a wealth of other spiritually efficacious prayers and devotions can be viewed on numerous Catholic websites: eg.

    May the Immaculate Heart of Mary triumph, and may Jesus and Mary be forever praised!
