Friday, April 20, 2012

Letters of hope and consolation #4

It seems that more and more today people are suffering from boredom.  People are bored with school, work, marriage, family, religion, politics and society in general.  When something doesn’t immediately stimulate us or appeal directly to our senses we move on to the next thing. There seems to be a written rule in the minds and hearts of people today that equates pleasure with fulfillment.  Therefore, if I am not experiencing consolation and pleasure in what I am doing than I am allowed to look elsewhere despite any previous commitments I have made.

This attitude is not only a tragedy on a human level but on a spiritual level as well.  Prayer, meditation, growing in virtue and other exercises in the spiritual life can at times be “boring” and often leave us feeling dry and lacking in consolation and affirmation.  We are not always go to feel God’s love, prayer is not always going to be a consoling and beautiful experience and trying to grow in virtue is rarely ever going to be an easy and wonderful experience on a natural level.

When this dryness or boredom occurs the temptation is usually to flee.  If prayer is difficult then quit or at least reduce it drastically.  It some person in your life is not easy to get along with and they don’t seem open to your attempts at love then ignore them.  If you find it hard to spend time in silence and reflection then immerse yourself in noise and activity.

Boredom is not always a sign that you should be doing more but that maybe you should be going deeper where you are.  When you are board there are always the opportunities for growth in patience, acceptance of God’s will, loving others, progress in prayer and a million other things.  Yet none of this can happen if you are constantly running away from things because they are not immediately stimulating you.

In order for a person to truly appreciate a work of art, a sunset and even another person they must allow themselves to stop, be silent and wait for some time in order to grasp more fully what it is that is before them.  The same is true in our relationship with God.  We must be patient and wait through experiences of apparent “boredom” in order for us to grasp more fully the greatness and beauty of God.  After all, it is we who are probably boring.  God is the most exciting and interesting person in the entire universe.

God bless you,
Fr. Jeremiah Myriam Shryock, CFR
St. Felix Friary, Yonkers, NY


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