Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Collection of prayers: V.

(Adam’s Song)

If only I could return to that place where I once felt your hands, calm and serene, fashioning me in Your image.  That place where Your voice, tranquil and easy,
breathed over me.  That second where Your eyes, fervent and beautiful, revealed Yourself to me; that moment in time when I first saw her.

How different would I respond now; because this time, I am not afraid?

Even though I must toil and suffer here on this earth I will not leave her again.  She, my sister and my bride, reveals to me who I am and who I am supposed to be, because through our love we are led to You, the Author of love.

1 comment:

  1. Then so shall you return, by virtue of your yearning and the Grace which makes all things new.

    In your fearless response She remains steady in reception, "so may it be unto me" spoken with clarity and calm.

    Through the toil and suffering we are redeemed again and again, by no virtue of our own. And yet, it is through our connection we find the direction, Home.
