Thursday, August 11, 2011

Final Vows 2011

On Sunday, July 31, 2010, four of our friars professed final vows.
(left to right) Br. Francesco Mary Gavazzi (Sydney, Australia), Br. Pius Marie Gagne (Meriden, CT), Br. Giles Maria Barrie (Kankakee, IL) and Br. John-Mary Johannssen (Poughkeepsie, NY) radiate joy on the big day.

United we stand, divided we fall. Saint Francis thanked the Lord for sending him brothers. Following Jesus together as brothers brings great support and strength.
After professing final vows, the friars sign the official documents upon the altar. The life of religious consecration is an intimate sharing in the one sacrifice of Jesus which is renewed daily at Mass upon the altar.
Imitating Jesus who prayed from the cross, "Father, into your hands I entrust my spirit", the friars symbolically place their hands into the hands of our Community Servant as they profess their vows.
In a gesture of surrender and humility, the brothers lie prostrate before the altar as the congregation invokes the intercession of the saints.


  1. I was on silent retreat a few weeks ago with Friars Pius & Francesco. What a blessing to share silence in God with such fine young men.

  2. Congratulations, Brothers! May God give you much peace, joy and perseverence!
