Sunday, December 12, 2010

Our Daily Advent

Our Daily Advent

The candles, already burning,
cry out like a voice in the wilderness,
"Prepare the way of the Lord."

The key is in the tabernacle lock
ready to spring open the heavens at the sound
of a resounding "yes"!
"Let it be done to me according to your Word."

The corporal is open and laid out
like a receiving blanket.
"She wrapped Him in swaddling cloths."

The monstrance,
made for one purpose only,
stands open, empty, waiting.
"Behold the handmaid of the Lord."

"The Spirit and the Bride say come!"
Our Daily Advent.

by Sr. Clare Matthiass, CFR


  1. I can't discern the meter or stresses of this, or even venture a guess as to the form. Is this intended to be a poem?

  2. This evokes a very beautiful image and meditation on the incarnation! Thank you for writing and sharing.

    Henry, perhaps you could simply read it and take it for what it is.
