Where has God gone? Is it possible for him to disappear? Perhaps the one who is disappearing is you; your childish ways of relating to God, yourself and other people, your inordinate desire for affirmation and consolation are becoming purified through a genuine encounter with the Living God. Since God is no longer a “felt presence” in your life you are left wondering if God has disappeared. Let me assure you, it would be easier for the ocean to dry up than for God to disappear.
Every genuine encounter with God begins with a “honeymoon” stage but as we draw closer to him the honeymoon fades into the background, so that real love can begin to blossom independent of our feelings, emotions and life circumstances. God, like love, is more than a feeling. To mature and become the person God desires you to be, you cannot make judgments and conclusions entirely from your feelings and emotions.
Maybe, like you said, you have hit a wall, but on the other side of that wall God is waiting for you. In order to get there you have to leave your childish ways of thinking and judging behind you and trust that God’s grace is inviting you to something more. What exactly is that “more?” It is God himself; greater and more profound than you can fathom. The most important thing is not to give up. In other words keep praying, trusting, hoping, and believing. Or in the words of St. Paul “press on…because Christ Jesus has made (you) his own" (Phil 3:12).
+ Fr. Jeremiah Shryock, CFR
Monticello, NY
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