Friday, January 30, 2015

Friar Friday

Fr. Youssef-Mariam Hanna, CFR, came to us from Lebanon via Canada. He is presently serving in Honduras. #FriarFriday

In the silence of the heart, 
            you speak.....

#prayer #adoration #Jesus #silence #peace

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Thursday, January 29, 2015

Wise Pathways

"Stand beside the earliest roads,
   ask the pathways of old
Which is the way to good, and walk it;
   thus you will have rest for your souls."
                                               - Jeremiah 6:16

Rest for the soul is not to be sought after lightly. It is to be searched for relentlessly,
hounded and tracked. To live without it is not really living. It is a getting-by, a surviving
but never really a thriving. To truly live, it is necessary to have rest for your soul, to have
healthy spiritual repose. We’re not talking about Piña Coladas and Jacuzzis here. This is
a rest that finds us in the depths of our beings. It is a drinking of living water (Jn 4:10), a
reclining on the breast of the Lord (Jn 13:23).

“Come to me,” says the Lord, “all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you
rest” (Mt. 11:28). Jesus is the way to good of which Jeremiah speaks. This is what the
earliest roads would tell us; this is what the pathways of old would say to us, because
Jesus is the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. He is the Alpha and the
Omega (Rev 1:17, 21:6). He was there for the laying of the foundations of the world; he
has entered into the springs of the sea and walked in the recesses of the deep; he knows
the storehouses of snow and hail or where the east wind is scattered upon the earth (see
Job 38). He was in the beginning with God and he was God and now he has pitched his
tent among us (Jn 1:1,14). And why? He was sent so that your soul may have rest. I
would take him up on the offer.
+ Br. Joseph Michael Fino
St. Felix Friary, Yonkers, NY
We need your help! Donate here.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Homily Videos

Translating God's Will In Your Life
by Fr. Stan Fortuna, CFR


What are you looking for?
by Fr. Luke Mary Fletcher, CFR


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Saturday, January 24, 2015

Hope is Everywhere!

The March for Life and all of the various connected events were beautiful. I received a special privilege this year. The morning of the March (the 42nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade),  I was able to offer the Holy Mass in a regular office which happens to share a wall with a notorious abortion mill. They even do late-term abortions at this death center.

Just by coincidence (wink, wink), several workers at this office are pro-life Catholics. During the Mass I perceived that the loving self-sacrifice of Jesus is the supernatural serum to the venom of abortion. God will not take away our free-will. He does place people in the paths of history to freely work for all that is good, true and beautiful. We pray for the mothers, fathers, babies and abortion workers. That killing chamber is surrounded by grace. Hope is everywhere - including on the other side of the wall.

+ Fr. Luke Mary Fletcher, CFR
Yonkers, NY
We need your help! Donate here.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Fr. Benedict Video on The Journey Home

Fr. Benedict Groeschel on the EWTN's
The Journey Home
(aired April 9, 2007)
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Thursday, January 15, 2015

Holy Haiku Ordinary Time

Living daily life ...
finding God in everything
Ordinary Time
#HolyHaiku #OrdinaryTime

Friday, January 9, 2015

Holy Haiku Baptism of the Lord

New Life in Jesus,
this grace given to us by
His Baptism, ours...
 #HolyHaiku | #Baptism | #Jesus | #Grace
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Saturday, January 3, 2015

Testimony of the Shepherd

Did you hear the trumpets? Did you see the angels? Over the green hills before the thin sheet of night, they stood, brighter than the many pointed stars, and they sang. You didn’t hear the angels singing? Did you see the sheep scatter? Were you even there? They splashed across the pasture like an ocean squall startled in all directions but only briefly; after the trumpets, they laid meekly in their places across the tired earth, and we listened, and the angels sang like I was telling you, a chorus clear as crystal. Their voices went forth, curriers on horses of light, their voices galloped through the tall grass though not hastily towards the horizon, no they stayed close circling us, close like our sheep nuzzling up to us, like the fleece we wore on our backs, like a warm breeze off the sea moistening the backs of our necks. I could feel their song on my face, and my heart began to lift, and I thought, my God, can it be true?

Can it be true about the baby and the swaddling clothes? And then we were there. Bethlehem. The City of David. You didn’t go? Your crazy. You really didn’t come? Then you didn’t see the Messiah. You can’t know how sad your heart must be. He was there, swaddled in the arms of a girl with the softest cheeks—her husband behind her with his weathered eyes and the little lungs of the Messiah pulsing. I knew, there on my knees among the beasts scattered in hay of that manger, that those little lungs wouldn’t stop till all men were drawn to him. And I thought, what nobler purpose could my shepherd’s staff bear? What greater joy should my feet have than to pasture more than just these Judean hills? These thoughts dripped over my heart as I took in his little face, the pale of his lips. Then my gaze moved to the depths of the girl’s joyful eyes and she nodded. She nodded with a silence that confirmed every movement of my intuition. And I promised them—each of them—from the man to the babe—I promised them my love and devotion and my service, but all I have is a voice, I said with hat in hand, though on my word I will see to it that this voice goes out to the ends of the earth. The man nodded. The girl smiled. The Messiah slept. I kissed his foot, put on my hat and I walked. Until morning wrapped itself around me and the hills became stepping stones beneath my feet and my voice covered them like wildlife, I walked.

Have peace, my friend, morning has come, I’d say to one. Arise, young man, the savior is here! Little girl, go out to see him. Gather, Israel, under his wings. The Lord is hear and he is called Jesus. Jesus, I tell you, his name is Jesus. Give him time to grow, I say to you, but be ready, I say, be ready. Everything is about to change.

So says the shepherd to whom the angels came, for whom the veil was parted. In Bethlehem of Judea, in the time of Augustus, in the time of peace when the trumpets sounded and the mountains leapt like rams and the hills like yearling sheep, I was there and I bear witness.

+ Br. Joseph Michael Fino, CFR
Yonkers, NY
We need your help! Donate here.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Blessed 2015

The friars would like to wish all of you a blessed new year!

From Pope Francis' homily, January 1, 2014:

"There is no more meaningful time than the beginning of a new year to hear these words of blessing: they will accompany our journey through the year opening up before us. They are words of strength, courage and hope. Not an illusory hope, based on frail human promises, or a naïve hope which presumes that the future will be better simply because it is the future. Rather, it is a hope that has its foundation precisely in God’s blessing, a blessing which contains the greatest message of good wishes there can be; and this is the message which the Church brings to each of us, filled with the Lord’s loving care and providential help."