Friday, October 31, 2014

Homily by Fr. Stan Fortuna

Fr. Stan preached a powerful homily at the Mass for Fr. Benedict on October 8, 2014,
at St. Crispin Friary (our first foundation) in the South Bronx.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

The ‘Ripple Effect’ of Fr. Benedict Groeschel’s ‘Yes’ to God

“If it hadn’t been for Fr. Benedict, I don’t know where I’d be.”  These words, spoken by a young man who had lived at the St Francis House for boys founded by Fr. Benedict in the 60’s, have been echoed by the sentiments of countless others during these days of prayer and rememberance.  As Fr. Andrew preached at yesterday’s funeral, “No Fr. Benedict, no CFR’s!” and so without Fr. Benedict, I don’t know where I would be! 

We CFR’s have been powerfully reminded (and perhaps educated) this week that Fr. Benedict’s untiring and faithful “yes” to God for over 60 years has been a source of tremendous grace for thousands, if not millions of people; bishop’s; priests; families in poverty; religious sisters; boys from Children’s Village; viewers of EWTN; readers of his 43 books; homeless men; women in crisis pregnancy and who knows how many more…?  And who knows what the ripple effect of God’s grace has been through the lives of those touched by Fr. Benedict?  Only God.  And that’s how Fr. Benedict would like it. 

So often the news is disturbing and frightening.  War, terrorism, disease, moral confusion.  There is a great deal of fear in our culture.  People feel helpless and hopeless in the face of everything and so do nothing.  But that wasn’t Fr. Benedict’s style!  He was a man of faith and hope, impelled by the love of Christ and so he had to do something.  And he did a lot!

But what is our response?  What is my response?  It must be the same response uttered by Fr. Benedict when he was 17 years old, as he left home to follow Jesus and join the Capuchins.  It must be the same response that then led him (some 30 years later) as he left the Capuchins (his home) to follow Jesus and begin the CFR’s.  The same response he uttered, not without struggle and suffering, for over 60 years. We can almost hear him say it in his unmistakable quiet voice, “Yes Lord.” 

Just the other day I read this quote from St. John Paul II and thought of Fr. Benedict:

The first duty of the consecrated life is to make visible the marvels wrought by God in the frail humanity of those who are called.  They bear witness to these marvels not so much in works as by the eloquent language of a transfigured life, capable of amazing the world  (Vita Consecrata). 

Fr. Benedict wasn’t perfect and nor are any of us.  I’m not called to be Fr. Benedict and nor are you but his powerful “yes” challenges each of us, in our frail humanity, to offer our lives to God wherever we are, with the same passion and generosity.  Fr. Benedict’s life made visible the marvels of God and you know what?  So can we!!  And that’s what amazes the world - the ripple effect of grace!

+ Fr. Emmanuel Mary Mansford, CFR
Harlem, NY
We need your help! Donate here.

Monday, October 13, 2014

To Obtain Father Benedict Memorial Cards

Due to the overwhelming number of requests for Father Benedict memorial cards, we have created a new page with a form:

If you already emailed us via the "contact page" of our website, we will be processing your request, no need to re-submit. Thanks!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Fr. Benedict J. Groeschel, CFR, rest in peace

Father Benedict J. Groeschel, CFR, passed away on October 3rd at 11 PM.

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and may he rest in peace!

We have posted a Fr. Benedict page on our website found here:

To make a memorial offering in honor of Fr. Benedict click here

Details for the wake and funeral will be forth coming.

Press Release PDF here

Statement from the friars PDF here

Friday, October 3, 2014

Happy Feast of Saint Francis!

Perfect paradox
This little poor humble man,
magnified the LORD!
The friars would like to thank all of you for the love and support! May Our Holy Father Saint Francis intercede for us so that we may, like Our Lady, magnify the LORD with our little lives! You have our prayers as well.
+ the friars
We need your help!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

My Angel Made Me Forget!

Last night I heard confessions at a great young adult event at Saint Patrick's Cathedral (NYC). After all was said and done, despite my usual ability to remember, I could not remember where I parked my car. I went to the spot where I thought the car was and it was not there! "STOLEN!", I thought out loud.

Just then I saw some guys and an immodestly dressed woman get out of a mysterious van right in front of me. My eyes met hers and I had an uneasy feeling. I immediately headed back to the Cathedral in search of a police officer. Just before I spoke to the officer - out of nowhere -  I remembered that I had parked one block over from where I thought. Sure enough the car was still there...

This morning during Mass I had a heavy burden to pray for that woman. I now understand that my Guardian Angel had helped me to forget (later to remember) where I had parked so that I would see her and pray for her. Would you join me today in praying for all women who are in need of help?

From the closing prayer for today's Mass:
"As you are pleased to nourish us for eternal life
with so great a Sacrament, O Lord,
direct us by the ministry of Angels
into the way of salvation and peace.
Through Christ our Lord."

+ Fr. Luke Mary Fletcher, CFR
Yonkers, NY
We need your help! Donate here.